Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction - August 1980 - Volume 59, No. 2

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
August 1980
Volume 59, No. 2
Publisher: Mercury Press | 1980 | Language: English | ASIN: B0010Z6RVK | HTML, EPUB, MOBI, LIT, PDF
Thomas M. Disch - The Brave Little Toaster
Column: Algis Budrys - Books
Thomas A. Easton - Gambling Man
Bill Pronzini and Barry N. Malzberg - Fascination
Bruce McAllister - What He Wore For Them
Column: John Kessel - The Monuments of Science Fiction
(Contains a story: V.H. Winkler - Starship Nurse of the Pecos and the Locked Room Murder of Hellwood Hall)
Column: Baird Searles - Films
Jerrold Mundis - Real Estate
Column: Isaac Asimov - Science: Milton! Thou Should'st be Living at This Hour
Lori Allen - And Mercy Mild
Edward Bryant - Strata

Cover illustration and cartoon by Gahan Wilson. Acrostic Puzzle by Georgia F. Adams.


Thomas M. Disch - The Brave Little Toaster:

Here is Thomas Disch's first story since ON WINGS OF SONG (which has since been nominated for a Hugo and Nebula as well as The American Book Awards). This tale is about the adventures of five electrical appliances. They are minor appliances, which implies a degree of innocence, loyalty and dependability often missing from, say, a TV or washing machine. We venture to say that it has been a long time since such a cheerful and diverting group has appeared in the pages of this or any other magazine, and we guarantee that all of you will be charmed.

Thomas A. Easton - Gambling Man:

This engaging story (one of a series) about the Mayor of a Maine town and his inventive buddy Howie is from a 36-year-old resident of Belfast, Maine. Mr. Easton writes that he went to high school and college in Maine, went to Chicago for grad school and a Ph.D. in theoretical biology. He worked as a textbook editor, has been a full time free lance writer since 1976, and is currently a contributing editor to Biology Digest and a book columnist for Analog.

Bill Pronzini and Barry N. Malzberg - Fascination:

The alien walked into the Times Square fascination parlor and it said, "We regard you as a form of wildlife...."

Bruce McAllister - What He Wore For Them:

Bruce McAllister's most recent F&SF stories were "Missionary Work," (December 1978) and "Victor," (July 1977). This new novelet is a striking tale about a man with amnesia who searches for a lost art, the art of performing miracles....

V.H. Winkler - Starship Nurse of the Pecos and the Locked Room Murder of Hellwood Hall:

Remember the household pet? Hard to believe there were times when spaniels, retrievers, cats, even chickens, roamed at will through the backyards of America. Here, thanks to scholar John Kessel, is a fresh look at one of the most prophetic sf classics of the 50s.

Jerrold Mundis - Real Estate:

The relentless work and expense of renovating an old house has broken many a strong man and woman, but here is an old house horror story to end them all — about Harold and Edna and their brownstone, which saps their lives in a mysterious and chilling fashion.

Lori Allen - And Mercy Mild:

This first-rate tale is Lori Allen's first published work. She writes: "I am a Connecticut housewife, nee New York City slum kid, graduate of Syracuse University, wife of poet and sf fan Dick Allen, mother of the science fiction fan Richard, and of the fantasy fan Tanya. I won the 1977 Writer's Digest Creative Writing Contest, but was beginning to think of myself as One Story Lori until now."

Edward Bryant - Strata:

Edward Bryant ("Teeth Marks," June 1979; "Stone," Feb. 1978) returns with a gripping story about an encounter with a ghost from the distant past in the Rocky Mountain West. Mr. Bryant has two story collections coming out this year: PARTICLE THEORY from Pocket Books and PRAIRIE SUN from Jelm Mountain Publications.


Mirrors welcome.

Spine, ads and cartoon: